Hello there. I am Andrea Gutierrez of littlebighead and this is where I share all manner of things. My art, life, family, faith and everything in between.
I live with my husband and daughter in our native Southern California and we are expecting the arrival of a son in late winter/early spring of 2012. I was born to Puerto Rican parents and always sort of feel like I am in between their culture, the American culture and whatever my own culture may be. I want to show my children life through creativity, imagination, simplicity, loving relationships, knowing both of their heritages (my husband is Mexican American) and most importantly, seeing this life through our faith and belief in Christ as our Lord and Savior.
I live with my husband and daughter in our native Southern California and we are expecting the arrival of a son in late winter/early spring of 2012. I was born to Puerto Rican parents and always sort of feel like I am in between their culture, the American culture and whatever my own culture may be. I want to show my children life through creativity, imagination, simplicity, loving relationships, knowing both of their heritages (my husband is Mexican American) and most importantly, seeing this life through our faith and belief in Christ as our Lord and Savior.
I enjoy collecting old things from times gone by and am a great lover of books, music, vintage things, gardening (or at least trying to!) herbs, tea and of course, owls too. It means a lot to me that my young daughter shares many of the same interests (for now) so I want to take full advantage of that. To show her the world, through books, the outdoors, through experiences great and small. I look forward to having our son as well, to be able to step into childhood once again and now, through the eyes of a boy!
There are many things I want to learn, to accomplish, to do. I still want to learn how to knit, to crochet, to garden, to make herbal goodies, to play the guitar and piano, to be a good clarinet player again. To read more, play more, craft more, thrift more. To be healthy, to grow more and the list goes on and on. For today though, I will be content in what I have and what I have been given. If I'm not, by His grace, I hope I learn to.
There are many things I want to learn, to accomplish, to do. I still want to learn how to knit, to crochet, to garden, to make herbal goodies, to play the guitar and piano, to be a good clarinet player again. To read more, play more, craft more, thrift more. To be healthy, to grow more and the list goes on and on. For today though, I will be content in what I have and what I have been given. If I'm not, by His grace, I hope I learn to.
Please feel free to leave a comment or send a message to me at mylittlebighead at gmail dot com. ♥