yesterday she grew a bit restless as children do so i decided we could take a walk around the school and look for more twigs and branches we could use in our crafts. we didn't find any forked branches so i could make another twig + yarn doll but we did pick up a few good twigs.
it was nice to walk in the early evening, letting the cool breezes caress us. it feels invigorating and calming all at once.
i need to find another place for us that is not far for us to go and explore. she is ready and wanting to climb things and discover. maybe we will visit that rural part of the park again and look for weeds and rocks and things. i want to allow nature to inspire her, for her to appreciate it, appreciate everything that He has made. i know that she is beginning to get a grasp on it. the other day she surprised me with a wonderful painting she did called 'crows and a robin'..
i'm very proud of this painting, i hung it up in my room right away. i've also been trying to allow nature inspire me in other ways besides pen and paper. i've been painting and drawing on rocks. i've been weaving yarn around sticks. it feels quite nice to be doing something else than just drawing, which of course, i still love. i don't know how to explain it but it just makes me feel good.
she also did another craft yesterday, another yarn around branches. she made it for her auntie to give to her at the baby shower coming this saturday.
she always has fun wrapping the yarn around and sticking things from nature into it.
i also did another one yesterday with some scraps of blue flowered material. i cut them into strands and tied them together and wrapped them around the sticks followed by the ochre colored yarn (which i know, i need to expand the colors of my yarn collection! but i still like it). i realized i still had a few material strands left and just tied
them around the edges. it's my favorite right now.

and speaking of material scraps, it came from my too excited to make a tent/tee-pee project. here it is. i need help! i want to fix it because i love the fabric choice and the natural element of the branches. i just tried to come up with something, anything. if anyone knows how to make them, fix them or knows a link or anything, feel free to let me know! :)
and speaking of material scraps, it came from my too excited to make a tent/tee-pee project. here it is. i need help! i want to fix it because i love the fabric choice and the natural element of the branches. i just tried to come up with something, anything. if anyone knows how to make them, fix them or knows a link or anything, feel free to let me know! :)

this morning i finally finished another rock, my little ghost fox, here it is..
The weaving is just lovely, I know my girls would love doing this as well. We wove yarn around our 6 apple trees last year, it was a blast to do. Then later that week a Red Spotted Purple caterpillar spun her chrysalis right in the center of the web. I think that is the most magical thing i have ever seen!
The girls would love the weaving on a smaller scale as well. Will do this soon.
Your rocks are amazing! Really beautiful.
-Lisa :)
I would so LOVE to do a trade!!!
-Lisa :)
What sweet fun! How wonderful to share nature with each other ~~ so lovely.
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