
31 May 2011

there is always magic to be found by the sea...

 The coastline is one of my most favorite places to be and our little adventure yesterday did not disappoint. We took a nice drive through the city of Palos Verdes, ending up at the Point Vicente Interpretive Center. The view was spectacular, and we learned from a quick chat in the museum that there were tidepools nearby. We hopped back in the car and drove a mile up the winding sea-cliff road to and quickly found Abalone Cove .  It instantly became a favorite. The weather was absolutely perfect. We hiked down, through brush and briar and past sharply fragmented rocks. After passing through a bit of 'Narnia' as Nat called it (if you have seen The Voyage of the Dawn Treader where Eustace finds treasure, you'll know what she means) we found ourselves treading over the most beautiful, smooth carpet of beach stones we've ever seen.

We trundled over the rumbly surface and on to the sand for a short spell before arriving at the foot of a huge cliff where rocks jutted out in to the tide. When the tide is low these rocks become tidepools. The tide was beginning to come again but we did manage to see (and feel) a few starfish and sea anemone. We saw crabs as well, but left those little guys alone. The day was amazing, the views breathtaking and even when we found ourselves grouped with other people, I did find a brief moment where I felt like I was the only one there soaking in all this majesty and glory.

Before we headed back, we made sure to bring along some of those beautiful smooth stones. They added to our labor as we made our way back up the steep winding trail, but it was so worth it. I can't wait until we get to visit and explore this beautiful place again....


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! I love sea!

Mama Teaching 3 said...

Beautiful! I so miss living within arms reach of the seashore. sigh. You make me miss it so much!

Milla said...

Beach adventures! Love the happy smiley faces Nat makes and all the treasures to be found. California coast seems absolutely amazing.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a beautiful day! And you're right, the sea is always magical.

Katie x