
30 March 2009

the earth and sun catchers too

saturday night, starting at 8:30 p.m. was earth hour. natalie was so thrilled that all the lights would be turned off and the only illuminations we would have around would be the soft glow of candles. once it was 8:30, she went around the house telling everyone it was earth hour and making sure all the lights were out. last night too, we unofficially had another earth hour of our own, turning the lights off and the candles on.

i've begun writing in a diary/journal again, so as not to just have virtual 'diaries' but something tangible as well. something i can hand down and put other thoughts into. i wrote about our first earth hour and how it was just so nice to be surrounded by the candles. it just reminded me of simpler times, when technology wasn't paramount. anyhow, i think we might do 'earth hours' more often.

today i let nat stay home since she has a bit of nasty cough. she wanted to create a few things so we made a few paper flowers out of yellow construction paper and i put them onto brown pipe cleaners (the only colors i have). afterwards she cut out a couple of star shapes and punctured little holes through them using a pin and cardboard and made sun catchers. one is hung up on one of my bedroom windows (her room, unfortunately, has no windows) and the other in the bath room.
also gracing the window, well, windowsill is my little red pot waiting to see if some lavender will sprout (cross fingers)!

while looking for various craft ideas i found a couple i really liked. i would love to do these nature prints and some tin can herb pots as well. i know decorating the tin cans would be fun but i also like just the rustic pewter colored look of the cans as well so, i suppose we will see how we end up doing them.

i've also been discovering a few other things, especially from twitter since i have been on that a lot lately. one of the things i've discovered is earth tweet tweet-a-thon. what you do is you use the tag #earthtweet to share what you are doing to help celebrate earth day. they will also be handing out prizes for extra special earth tweets. i thought i would pass along the word for any twitterers out there who might be interested.

i leave this monday post with a photo of nat from a few weeks ago. this picture always puts a smile on my face (even though i thought she was wearing my mom's real glasses and not the play glasses i thought). she just brightens my life and i am so thankful for her, for my husband, for my family...

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