
20 November 2009

happy friday

a little work

Friday. Lovely, wonderful friday. Feeling happy and blessed, especially because one of my commissioned works is finished. An old friend of mine wanted a little something that represented her and her business, Sparrow Memories. She is wonderfully creative and takes amazing photos so I am so happy to have done this work for her and very happy that she is as pleased as I am.


I also have two other exciting things I am working on for others and a couple of other ideas to hopefully put up in the shop soon. November is zoomin by (I can't believe it's already mid to late in the month). I wanted to make a holiday postcard for this year like I did last year so I suppose I better get started ASAP!

Happy Friday Everyone!!


Heather said...

what a sweet logo! love the little birdie :) I cant believe its almost thanksgiving...I still cant believe summer is over, lol...

Robin Norgren-Life Coach Living in Arizona said...

Just gorgeous and I love that I can tell that it is your work!

Marqueta (Mar-kee-ta) G. said...

How beautiful! You did such an amazing job with all the layers of feathers on the sparrow. Your friend should be extremely pleased.

Thanks for sharing this; it's so inspiring.



Unknown said...

Very nice work! I stumbled upon your blog recently and am enjoying it very much.

Unknown said...

thank you all!!