My bubelah lost her first tooth! We were at Sprouts Market when it happened and celebrated by getting her favorite bowl of chicken noodle soup at Panera!

I had already made her a little tooth fairy box so we promptly got it out once we were home to place her little baby tooth in.

She couldn't wait to go to sleep that night and being the tooth fairy wasn't easy but I managed to take the little tooth and replace it with a five dollar bill and two golden dollar coins. She was thrilled!!
It was so nice to have her participate in soccer this year. Her last game day was called the Ice Cream cup and they played four ten minute games and afterwards had ice cream. Here she is, all little number five!

Defense, the loneliest place (but she did it so well!)

and there she goes!

I was invited to participate at the Kin Ship Gallery's art show, "As Seen on T.V.". Of course, I was thrilled and honored and submitted a piece inspired by Charlotte 'Chuck' Charles from the show 'Pushing Daisies'. It's the first art show I have ever been a part of and I hope it does really well. I didn't get the best picture but you can get an idea of how it looks:

I'm also thankful for friends that are dear to me which leaves me to this last part. I have made a few friends from the art world and I they have made a special place within my heart. It's so nice to be able to send postcards, letters and even packages sometimes to one another. It's nostalgic and genuine and I am thankful to be a part of their lives.

So for friends near, there is a family that we have been particularly blessed by and it is with this family we were able to spend Thanksgiving with. Just a few photos I took of the settings but they don't really tell the whole story of what a great time we had on that day...

Thank you November, for all of your blessings!

I had already made her a little tooth fairy box so we promptly got it out once we were home to place her little baby tooth in.

She couldn't wait to go to sleep that night and being the tooth fairy wasn't easy but I managed to take the little tooth and replace it with a five dollar bill and two golden dollar coins. She was thrilled!!
It was so nice to have her participate in soccer this year. Her last game day was called the Ice Cream cup and they played four ten minute games and afterwards had ice cream. Here she is, all little number five!

Defense, the loneliest place (but she did it so well!)

and there she goes!

I was invited to participate at the Kin Ship Gallery's art show, "As Seen on T.V.". Of course, I was thrilled and honored and submitted a piece inspired by Charlotte 'Chuck' Charles from the show 'Pushing Daisies'. It's the first art show I have ever been a part of and I hope it does really well. I didn't get the best picture but you can get an idea of how it looks:

I'm also thankful for friends that are dear to me which leaves me to this last part. I have made a few friends from the art world and I they have made a special place within my heart. It's so nice to be able to send postcards, letters and even packages sometimes to one another. It's nostalgic and genuine and I am thankful to be a part of their lives.

So for friends near, there is a family that we have been particularly blessed by and it is with this family we were able to spend Thanksgiving with. Just a few photos I took of the settings but they don't really tell the whole story of what a great time we had on that day...

Thank you November, for all of your blessings!
Ada !
Congratulations on your first show ! How exciting !!! I'm so proud of / happy for you !
I am thankful for the friends I met this year, too. It's been an incredible year.
And oh, how the girls are pretty !
x x x
i heart you mathyld!!!
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