
14 August 2010

bartering, anyone?

I've decided to put myself out there a bit more this year. I have sent emails to various art organizations for work (Aeolidia has 'hired' me on as an illustrator) and I thought I would also try something else: Bartering. So many of us are hitting hardships of one way or another and we are no different. It gets tough living off of one income and due to my unpredictable health issues, I am still home (I haven't worked since Nat was born). I have been blessed by some sales and commissioned work (thank you!) and even trades. I would like to offer my 'bartering services' too for perhaps some items in my shop ( or custom work. Here are some of the items/materials I am open for:
  • herbs (especially chamomile & lavender, but I am open to others as well)
  • vintage items (such as frames, gardening items, wall decor, kitchen items, books & clothes too!)
  • felt and fabrics (i.e. florals, vintage patterns, plaid, black & cream gingham)
  • ribbons and lace (black, cream)
  • art supplies (inquire)
If I am interested in more items I will update. If you are interested, feel free to leave a comment here with your email address and your offer ;)

(image from wikipedia)


Amber (woodmouse) said...

While I love bartering (and your work) sadly, I have nothing of which you desire. Unless you want handcrafted wooden toys or art.

Helena said...

I too, will always happily offer you handmade delights in the form of natural perfume oils and elixirs :).

AlwaysAlice said...

i would LOVE to barter with you and would gladdly offer some of the things about which you have mentioned an interest.

love your blog, keeps me inspired :)

Unknown said...

helena, you know i'll always trade for your goods ;)

Unknown said...

always alice--hit me up if you like! you can email me at :)

Anonymous said...

i absolutely love trading. there is nothing more satisfying to me as an artist. it feels more human to me trading goods as opposed to simply using money all the time.

my website is and my email address is

i make plush toys, jewelry and other craft items and have tons of supplies of the such.