before it got dark, we took a little walk across the street and around the school that nat attends. i am thankful that the camera was charged and ready to go before it died this morning!
i brought along a canvas bag for found things (and am thinking maybe some of these natural elements can be used for future crafts as well)..here, early in the walk, and she had something to contribute to the bag..
a lovely deeply brown leaf...
what borders the inside of the school, creeping out to the sidewalk...
and lovely little buds altogether..
i'm always fascinated by branches upon branches...
looking for things...
strewn across our walk..
with the bag, leading the way...
beautiful but it wasn't this dark yet, it's just how the camera captured the light...
branches in late sun light..
tree trunks writhing...
a frayed lavender ribbon among yellow...
my black skirt tickling the roots..
this bottle has been here forever, already entwined with the roots, outside and inside as well..
i made sure we crossed the street to see the front of my favorite house of the neighborhood. she has flowers and foliage everywhere in the front of her house and on the sidewalk too. the place looks like it belongs somewhere else but i am so happy it is here.
my favorite shot of the evening...
dew upon webs...
and last, we encountered a very friendly and loudly meowing fat cat that resembles professor mcgonagall (from the harry potter books and film) animagus form. we decided to 'name' the cat minerva, the professor's first name. she had such a fantastic coloring and pattern but it was so hard for this highly affectionate cat to be still. at least i got a blurred portrait of her.
she decided to follow us for a bit and nat and i both secretly (and non-secretly, nat) wanted her to follow us all the way home for keeps. she didn't of course, but all in all, a very nice and well needed family walk for us all...
I love this! Makes me want to run outside and go on my own walk....it will have to wait I suppose as I am off to a little party with my mom and sister. I love your art, so very sweet pictures. I love Jon Carling's art too....Such a small world it is of connections from artist to artist. I met him through another artist -named Heather-, she lives on the East Coast.
Anyhoo, I sooooo very much LOVE the root-about-to-sprout drawing. Thank you for being such a beautiful soul. I love your quotes on facebook.
oh, run outside when you can! it's one of the best feelings, especially as the warmth starts to roll in...
so which artist named heather do you know? i know one who is from oklahoma, but maybe it's another...
and thank YOU for stopping by my little world and enjoying it. that warms my heart more than you know ♥
I love the shot of the jar nestled in the tree! Your background wallpaper is gorgeous! How did you do that? I want to spice up my studioophelia blog - your music is also nice!
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