Obviously, it's no surprise that we keep making things into owls since they are our favorite (i.e. Nat at first wanted to carve the pumpkin into a Harry Potter face. Now she wants to carve it into an owl). So, more TP rolls get made into something a little nicer. With sequins eyes, twig beaks, felt wings and fabric heart bellies (hers is the floral belly, mine, the polka dotted one).

Letters, real snail mail, seems to be a dying art and a few of us are doing what we can to keep it alive. I sent out two letter invitations to two of my best friends hoping for a little get together next month. Sealed with silver wax and a 'G' emblem, complete with a Gary Cooper stamp :)
Wow ! I adore this drawing : what a cozy lovely outfit ♥
And love these caddies, too ! Serena looks pretty happy in there :D
I also love your little TP owls !
And finally, YAY for snail mail !
x x x
i know, i drew an outfit I wish I had! :)
The TP owls were fun and I still have one more to do. A white one, Hedwig, of course!
and yes, let's bring snail mail back!! :)
I write letters all the time. I find there's something beautiful in hand-writing a letter as opposed to typing an email. I have a friend in Virginia and I send her letters all the time because I figured it's my "thing" now. =)
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