While perusing my reader today, I found Rebecca's answers and thought I would follow suit (along with my newly handmade doll, completed yesterday, litte miss Ava Blackbird)...
what is your current obsession?
making dolls, wooden spoons, silent films and other old movies and autumn soups.
what is your current obsession?
making dolls, wooden spoons, silent films and other old movies and autumn soups.
what are you wearing now?
a flaxed colored knitted 'grandma' sweater, a navy blue top and a folksy, flowing brown, blue and beige floral skirt.
do you nap a lot?
i like to.
who was the last person you hugged?
my little bubelah, natalie
if you were a tree, what tree would you be?
a chestnut tree (according to the tree horoscope shared by rebecca.)
what's for dinner?
not sure yet but would love some soup and bread.
what was the last thing you bought?
a birthday present for my friend's six year old daughter
what are you listening to right now?
the sufjan stevens radio on pandora currently playing 'plasticities' by andrew bird
what is your favorite weather and why?
rain in the fall. i love the crispness in the air, the chill that surrounds with golden and red leaves and i adore the rain. always have, always will.
what time do you usually wake up?
about 7:15ish in the morning.
what is your most challenging goal right now?
being a good wife, a good mother, getting motivated to be physical and being kind to myself.
if you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?
a beautiful old house with lots of rooms. maybe victorian, with a lot of land for trees, a garden and for hide and seek in a place between the woods and the sea. somewhere maybe off the coast of northern/central california.
3 dream vacation spots:
the british isle, rural japan, puerto rico
what movies can you watch over and over?
the royal tenenbums, all the harry potters, lord of the rings and pirates of the caribbean movies, hellboy 2 (i really like visual fantasty as you can tell), life as a house, the virgin suicides, hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, etc. etc.
what is your favourite tea?
there are so many! lavender earl grey, chamomile honey, darjeeling, lapsang souchong, and natalie's very own fairy flower blend tea
what are you reading right now?
jonathan strange and mr norrell by susanna clarke
praying god's word by beth moore (for women's biblestudy)
what is your current guilty pleasure?
relaxing when i shouldn't be! ;)
where is the landscape of your mind?
wow, who knows...admist a seaweed forest at the bottom of the sea or tangled in brambles in a hidden forest...
you have one wish:
to always be happy with myself...
what are your answers?
what is your current guilty pleasure?
relaxing when i shouldn't be! ;)
where is the landscape of your mind?
wow, who knows...admist a seaweed forest at the bottom of the sea or tangled in brambles in a hidden forest...
you have one wish:
to always be happy with myself...
what are your answers?

what a lovely little mousy-miss!
I love your answers too...isnt fall and its foods so fun? I'm trying to be more active just to make myself feel better, not necessarily with a number-on-the-scale goal. Being happy is the main goal... :)
Ha ! I love your Raven Girl ! Adorable !
And guess what !
I am currently reading Susanna Clark's "Ladies of Grace Adieu" and wanted to ask you if you've read it, because it is right up your alley ! I can't stop thinking you'd love it :)
x x x
heather--yes, i know what you mean. i don't want to be so hard on myself but at the same time i do need to get moving. and oh, fall food is the best! i need to get more recipes to try :)
mathyld--i don't know the rest of her books but i do like what i am reading so far. how is ladies of grace adieu?
I loved reading more about you Andrea. Your words are filled with so much grace and beauty. What a loving and creative home you must have. Little Miss Ava Blackbird is incredibly sweet like one of your illustrations coming to life!
Well so far I love it ! It is about three girl-friends ... doing magic :)
What could be wrong, there ?
It made me think of you.
x x x
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