
19 August 2010

Creatures of the Night

Thanks to emails from LocalHarvest.Org, we found out about and attended Creatures of the Night at the Fullerton Arboretum. Still daylight at 7:30p we headed out with a tic-tac-toe paper assignment with various things to check out. Some of the things to see on our assignment were looking into the palm fronds for owls, listening for frogs and crickets at the pond, looking for possom and/or skunk tracks in the desert area and keeping our eye out for jackrabbits in the garden. After about an hour or so, we had a lady with various creatures come talk to us about them. She showed us a possum, a snake and our all around favorite of the night, a fennec fox. I tried to document as much as could before the sun died down. 

I found out that they have plenty of volunteering positions for things like cultivating, potters, nature guides, etc. They also have a Victorian Society you can volunteer for where you can be a docent in Victorian attire. Volunteers for this learn historical facts about Dr. Clark, Heritage House, Fullerton and Orange County.

1 comment:

mathyld ▲under the pyramids▲ said...

This looks like such a fun activity ... I wish I was there with you, girls !
You always do the best things with Nat.

Owls + Victorian = I need to go there !
Erm, and how dreamy is that house, too ? Very !

x x x