
28 October 2010

A dolled up Witchy-poo...

I wanted to get this lovely gal into the shop earlier but nonetheless, she is there now. My Witchy Poo was inspired by several things: a certain wizarding world, along with a very famous wicked witch from a place over the rainbow and a new show set in the 1920's. I had to include an unusual choice for a pet. A feathered friend, yes but this gal likes her parakeets (wonder why!) and so has a dark colored one to accompany her.
I hope you like her as much as I do....


Teeny said...

What a pretty witchy poo! I like her very much.

Paulie Antiques said...

thank you so much! I am so glad you like it! I love this illustration!!! :)

happy halloween!

love, polly ;D

sarahblank said...

so cute!
your daughters halloween costume from last post is so perfect too! Happy Halloween!

Angela said...

I do like her, very much. My daughter has a make-believe character called witchy poo. :)
I am one of your artful stone swap partners. It's nice to meet you.

Peace, Angela

PS Loved the White Queen costume-very cool.

mathyld ▲under the pyramids▲ said...

She's adorable !
Also, isn't that amazing that Broadwalk Empire started just at the same time as our Ragtime blog ?! I was pretty amazed !
I still am to watch it (ah, the boredom of living in France ...)
x x x