We found some perfect trees for her to begin to learn how to climb them. At first, she needed assistance but she was eager to continue to learn.
I love being there. Living in the suburbs, you need an escape where there are more trees to explore, more life around you other than people, more textures, more sights, more sounds from nature itself.
Climbing on her own
a blackbird seems to wonder
I like to believe these three are chatty sisters, talking non stop about others around the pond and all the strangers without feathers who come by..
a little ghostie i drew on fallen bark
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. --Anne Frank
Wonderful photos--love the ghostie on the bark!!!
love love love those lanterns!
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