
29 April 2010

a little dreamboard...

After reading a post about the pink full moon and dreamboards over at Green and Pretty (and following links to here and here) I decided I would give it a try as well. I know I'm behind now since April's full moon was on wednesday (this full moon is referred to as the pink full moon because of pink flowers that so lavishly bloom in the month. The Wild Magnolia also posted a but about the pink full moon also) but I still wanted to create a little something. I actually found a site that you can create dreamboard collages on and so I looked for various images that I wanted and came up with the one above. I actually had a bit of a hard time with it though, since every time I thought it was perfect I would save it and view it and it always looked a bit different. I finally got tired and just stayed with the one I am sharing. It is also showing a fraction of one image that is behind the herbal one. It's an illustration of Ursa Major but you can see the eye peering out from behind.

I have my reasons and ideas why I picked the various images (including some of my own illustrations) but I do have a hard time explaining things that are a bit profound to me. It was just fun putting every thing together and I think it's something I might do with Natalie. I don't mind if it's not necessarily on the day/night of a full moon. Just something to get her mind, creativity and inspirations going...


Cat (darklingwoods) said...

I love your pink moon dream board (I've never heard of a pink moon before only blue!) my own dream board has become rather over grown!

moonshinejunkyard said...

this is lovely and i kinda like that you have a "hard time explaining things that are a bit profound to me" because that means you are feeling it rather than verbally expressing it to yourself and that indeed is a beautiful thing. i think that's why you're an artist my dear!

Courtney said...

Oh I'm so excited that you did this. Your images are beautiful! I did my first one last month and had such a good time with it that I'm going to try to do it every month. I hope Natalie enjoys putting together her own dreamboard too!